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Edited by oh ver driive: 2/3/2015 6:37:07 PM
Your giving way to much credit to the strat and not putting any responsibility on the players. If you die, no more orbs. Their entire defensive line was 1 gunslinger. 100% agree control needs to be reworked. The point system is fxck tarded.

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  • They actually had an extra hunter

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  • Lol so snipe or golden gun them right back?

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  • It takes 2 head shots with blessing of light

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  • Golden guns get criticals since fxcking when ?????????

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  • No to kill a golden gun user

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  • Read my notice please: Orbs do NOT disappear after death, the SURPLUS created will regen your super directly.

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  • My orbs dissappear when I die so wtf

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  • You make me doubt, maybe your orbs disappear when you die (if someone can confirm) but it would have to be a complete wipe to be sure that there is no orb left (extremely unlikely, my team would be 4 titans, 2 hunters, come at me bro). If only one or two dies, they can come back and take all the orbs of the 4 others left. Because of radar it would be extremely hard for a striker to come in without being shot in mid air, you see enemy coming in. Bubble contains the FoH so you can just jump out when he comes in and back in. Two warlocks would not get through 4 bubbles, neither two hunters (if they aim to shoot at bubble, hunters can just run out and shoot them then back in)

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  • Or a striker Titan with Death From Above and Aftermath can cross map the center of bubbles and kill them

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  • After death when you respawn all the orbs disappear. Teammates who have been alive can still pick up orbs you made. But still killing two of those titans would effectively stop the super train in its tracks unless the had supers up when they died. The guys the were playing were obviously christmas noobs and this is no exploit they just took full advantage of the gameplay mechanics of destiny. Good teams would be spawn killing these guys before they even got supers.

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  • Edited by Kregorov: 2/3/2015 7:08:18 PM
    No need to talk about this vid, you have to compare with two teams that knows what they do, then you will see its broken. Killing the titans is the most improbable thing of all, as they just stay in their bubble full time. Just lay out the bubble in a row of 4 touching each other, and you wont be able to kill more than two of them with two perfectly placed warlock shot (without them just moving out the bubble a second, and without dying from a shot in the face in mid air.) As said before, extremely unlikely. Plus the said Surplus, it is 100% sure titans have supers 100% of the time.

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  • Two hunters with symbiote helm could pop all 4 bubbles then its just a matter of picking them off

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  • They have to use all their shots on the bubble which will be put back up right away, heck, you could wait for the hunter to shoot your bubble one time, then put your bubble up again (since you have your super 100% of the time) which would nullify the first shot landed. Also, the hunter in the village can just get out and shoot you while you aim at the bubble. If you waste a shot for the hunter, you can't take out all bubble, either way you are screwed. I see a lot of post with people that tend to focus on destroying bubbles but its absolutely useless as the titans have infinite supers (infinite bubble) People tend to LARGELY underestimate the effort it would take to destroy a bubble village crowded with a perma-supers team. You are like , just do that and boom, gone, you win, kthxbye, like it was nothing. Its funny cuz I would advance and easily say that it is impossible to counter if the team inside know what they do.

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  • Orbs don't disappear when you die. Confirmed.

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  • They actually do.

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  • Why then when I die in crucible am I still finding orbs left by my teammates?

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  • Maybe they made some more? If you watch someone make orbs, then die, the orbs are gone. They can make new orbs. Any orbs you've made prior are still visible to the teammates they've spawned for, assuming they never died. I only noticed it for the first time like last week but it's definitely the case

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  • Idk I died then went back to B spawn on firebase Delphi and there must have been 15 orbs there. Wouldn't surprise me if I was wrong but I'm going to have to go try it when I get home. I know for a 100% fact that heavy dropped by a killed enemy player will persist after death so I don't know why orbs wouldn't also?

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  • I know that as well, I can only assume they are in two seperate parts of the coding. I think the orbs are meant to be more like kill streak rewards, though more team based. The longer you stay alive and the better everyone plays, the more orbs there will be. If you die, it resets. I noticed it cause I saw a teammate generate orbs, moved past it, then in a clutch moment in the same area later in that map I noticed my super was close, and I remembered those orbs! I ran out of cover to grab them expecting to hit my foes with some space magic! But the orbs weren't there... I suppose it's possible I picked them up without noticing, but it makes the most sense to me they would dissapear. Otherwise every match would surely have a bunch of orbs just chillin, but you hardly ever see them in crucible.

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  • You're right that there really isn't a ton of orbs all around in crucible, the times I remember orbs all over may have been when I was on some streak with no deaths which is rare since I suck. Although I do seen to get that 10/1 bounty somehow everyday of banner. I guess it's also possible that they get picked up but yeah I wouldn't be surprised if I'm confused. Going to grind some marks for the Rapier crucible vendor scout later so I'll have to find an orb, die, and come back to check.

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  • What game do you play? If you pop a bubble and drop orbs, they are there until I pick them up or I DIE! If I die, they disappear for me.

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  • In PVE yes, when the whole fireteam wipes or you are solo and wipe yes they disappear. If you die in crucible they don't.

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