Thats great...G horn literally does everything you just said...except it actually kills the enemies instead of just moving them. And out does it in damage.
Title Edit: Dragons Breath - It is just as bad as you think.
True, Ghorn will outdo DB for raw damage. But a utility use, such as keeping a zone clear, can sometimes be much more useful than just dealing damage. Take his Thrall example on CE. Keep them away entirely for a few seconds, versus nuking a large handful that immediately get replaced with another swarm, barely giving you a second to breathe. Sure, you killed more with Ghorn, but it didn't give you as much room to recover as DB does. DB is better in that sort of situation.
Yeah...but what is the difference between them getting replaced or damaged...either way there are still thralls everywhere.
Yeah, they're everywhere. But 4-5 seconds of an open area, instead of just 1-2 seconds, can make a world of difference. But that's just one example. Hell, think Crucible, even. Pop one guy coming through a doorway, and nobody else will come through after because of the Solar field left behind. Time for you to reload, recover your shields/health. Time you wouldn't have had if you used Ghorn, and they were far enough back to avoid the mini-bombs. Now, this doesn't mean DB is overall better than Ghorn. It's not. Neither is really "better" to be fair. They're both great guns, but DB gets shoved underneath because the raw damage doesn't match Ghorn.