I hope Xur never sells Ghorn ever again. To those who don't have one and bank week in and week out that Xur will sell it...Sorry but I'm not sorry I hope he never offers one again. I got mine thru grinding my ass off but that's besides the point. You allow Xur to sell the Ghorn everyone and their mom is gonna have one and, I believe, is ultimately gonna f*ck the game up. Gonna have every person on Destiny running around blowing shit up with it and it's going to ruin to Ghorns epicness. Gotta keep the Ghorn out of Xurs hands and only allow players to obtain it from Nightfall AND Raids.
That thing would take me so long to upgrade cause I have so many other maxed out exotics that get way more use in my primary and secondary slots. As awesome as it'd be to have, it's very situational and wouldn't be worth the exotic slot 95% of the time