In honor of Valentines Day, I triple-dog-dare everyone here to put their crush's first name here. If you like to live on the edge, put more information about them (full name, your name, picture, etc.)
Ps I'm not trying to be creepy, just help peeps get stuff off their chest
Deez nuts
Can't because she rejected me.....
Nicole <3
My right hand. Always relieving my stress
Edited by U8559484: 5/28/2015 5:43:05 AMJohn "Canadian Guy" [spoiler]I have two crushes.[/spoiler]
Bonquisaliahnalaquequetiana ferguson the third
But who was phone?
Does my girlfriend count ?
Edited by MINI TURD29: 5/25/2015 3:59:18 AMKira I asked her out said don't want a boy friend
joe [spoiler]*wonders how many average joes think i mean them now..*[/spoiler]
Ur mom
Lauren Rigney
All ur mums
Edited by HARBINGER: 5/28/2015 2:35:47 AMSabrina
*stares off into distance* The woman I loved is dead.
Daijah? Yeah Daijah!