I'm letting all my fellow guardians know today that I am officially looking for a raid group. As an astute observer can tell you I have not completed any raid whatsoever. So lets just jump to Crota HM. Here's what I can bring to the table:
Level 31 warlock
-vanguard gear maxed out: check
-both subclasses unlocked, ehh?
-universal remote locked and loaded. (Man did I scream like a girl when this dropped, Finally!)
-many other legendaries too powerful to mention here for fear of jealous tears ruining my post.
-Last the skill of a man who has done countless strikes, weeklies, and nightfalls while changing a diaper, burping a baby, or pretending to listen to his wife while playing.
LFG 5 HM Crota must be 32 max ghorn and IB
Xbox one gt same
Is this a joke?