If the game has been out for this long and you are still loot caving, you have bigger issues.
You can run 2 raids and a nightfall per guardian. Within each hard raid you have 2 good chances at exotic drops. So that's 5 decent shots at an exotic. Vog on hard can be easily beaten in 45 minutes to an hour. Crota on normal takes less than 30 mins with a good team. Not to mention the best legendary weapons in the game are unlocked in the raids. The only time you should be loot caving is if you have 3 guardians, all of which have done their nightfalls and both raids on hard mode. So 15 good chances at exotics and God knows how many legendary weapons. I think that less than 1% of the community has that amount of free time. Because 99% of your time spent at loot caves, with destinies truly awful random drop loot system would really be wasted.
If my lucks to be believed, VoG on hard is a waste of time.
Much of this comes from the assumption you have 3 level 28+ guardians to run those all with.
My point is, if you have time to loot cave you have more than enough time to creat extra guardians. Even if they are the same class to save time. You will get much better loot running raids multiple times than loot caving.
Yes, but after beating the raid and nightfall looting is much more efficient than running strikes.