lol I'm a mom and a gamer and lol I don't know, I'm just not busy at all and want to see what kind of bullshit questions you feed me because lol I'm not looking for attention.
Edit: lol
Edit more: lol wow guys
I totally knew that I would get so many replies fast because I said I'm female lol
Edits edits: I do not want attention because I'm female but I do.
Im a dad gamer whhhhhhaaat
My mom plays destiny too
Wait. What [i]exactly[/i] is going on here...
I have a mom.
Kids are awesome
Why do you pretend to be somebody you aren't?? Do you get off by being fake?? Imma call you Cammfish:)
Why are you still here??? Your life must be pretty boring if a 30 year old "mom" trolls on offtopic. Why don't you get a job?? I bet you are one of those mom's who tries to breastfeed there 60 month old child. Lol lol lol wow I am so funny!
What game do you spend most of your time plehing
How often does your daughter spell "penus" instead of "peanuts"?
What's the weirdest thing that's ever been thrown at you?
Eh, my Dad plays video games too, same thing. Gender shouldn't matter, it's a video game after all.
How do i get my wife interested in games so she'll stop riding my ass about me playin them???
Are you a milf? ;)
This parody thread is lower than the original thread. Does it make yourself feel better trying to ridicule someone else?
What's the difference between yogurt and Greek yogurt?
Saw how I won the superbowl? *flex*
Do you prefer games or your children? (One answer)
100% of moms have children
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Favorite Quote?
I laughed.