I'm at the crucible part of both bounties and I'm getting my ass kicked big time... I've tried control and clash. Can someone give some tips??
I'm using defender subclass and Atheon epilogue to cause void damage.
The most important thing on shotguns is range and impact.
Go shotgun running in Rumble. Finished mine in two hours that way.
Bad juju is easy - I suck at pvp and did it over time on 360. Now on ps4 and at the same point. I gave up on thorn 1st time, but if you can get a void heavy camp til ammo drops, use it, then camp again. Hide around a corner with a void weapon and hope someone runs into you. Or follow someone else around and get the assist maybe the kill.
The best thing to do is get a void shotgun and just run. The only time you stop is to kill. Don't see an enemy and stop and try to scope him, just run up to him and blast. I almost deleted my 1st thorn bounty until did it this way. Never stop running, it works I'm telling you
Switch weapons swordbreaker or WOC or corrective measure and camp it don't be a hero just get your kills
If you're really having trouble stoop to scummy tactics like having your friends help you boost. Also another thing that helps is running from any fight against more than one person, or where you don't get the first shot.
Rumble seemed to go fastest for me.
For the void one, I think it's best to use as many void weapons if possible. If you can stack 3, the better. And if you have trouble, make a conscious effort to stick close to teammates to minimize deaths and maximize the chance for kills. You kind of have to play it more conservatively than you normally would. Forget about the juju part altogether. It will happen over enough time. GL!
I used a void fusion rifle for the thorn bounty and did it prettily easy and I am garbage at the crucible. Bad Juju is finished overtime.
1st- #tits, hahahaha! 2nd- equip a void special weapon. lots of people use shottys or fusions. I used a sniper and knocked out the thorn bounty in about 6 hours. And if you have corrective measure, it wouldn't hurt to use either
Don't forget a void fusion rifle and if you have truth for heavy. Play conservatively. Stay in a group. Assists count.
Just camp in control. There's more room for kills in that mode and use all your void weapons and nades. Will get there in no time bud b
My advice is put it out of your mind dont think I must do this in 10 games, just play for fun and they will level in no time
If you're using a low impact rifle then stay away from corners. Everything beats you at close range. Just grind ROC playlist for better weapons, like a void fusion rifle or shotgun and a rocket launcher. Defender is bad for PvP. Your grenades are below average, melee skill is short range, your super is just a target for every other super. Better to use striker and be a shoulder charging shotgun noob than having a low kd with occasional void melee kills.