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originally posted in:Led Zeppelin Army
1/29/2015 7:38:13 PM

Led Zeppelin Army is now in Facebook!

I am not into Facebook at all, but those who would like to interact in Facebook social media, yesterday I just create a Facebook page, to share pictures, videos and all you want to about Destiny (not porno allowed to share ok BTK?, cough, cough). If anyone is interested in administrate that Facebook page, just let me know!. No soy muy adicto a Facebook, pero ayer abrí la pagina de Led Zeppelin Army en ese lugar para aquellos que deseen compartir fotos de sus guardianes, armas, videos relacionados a Destiny entre otras cosas (menos ponografía jajaja). Si alguien está interesado en administrar la página, solo háganmelo saber. "From War To The Victory". Facebook: [url=]Led Zeppelin Army[/url] link:

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