If your Character(s) died in Destiny, what would your Epitaph read?
"Here lies a great Gunslinger,
Fast with an itchy trigger Finger.
The women he did Bed,
Except the one he Wed.
She was a faster Sunsinger."
R.I.P. Sunsinger Warlock Nevermind, selfres ftw.
Respawn in 3.. 2.. 1.... f*ck lag :(
Died waiting for HoW.
Waiting for someone to revive you...
A book about creative tombstones :)
Here lies the warlock who got glitched by Crota
They said it would eat my thoughts and leave me full of light.
"He walked out into the demon light, but at the end he was brighter".
Waiting for respawn ...9
" Screw you Rahool"
"Stop being lazy and press Square already"
No Red Death I cried evrtime
I will return.
"War... War never changes." *Que Fallout: 3 intro music*
Game over. Continue?
If your reading this I will Haunt you for the next 7 hours and destroy all you electronics
Here lies that handsome mf called big b.. No matter how he tried Didn't make it to 33.. Fell and hit his head getting up To take a pee... We mourn him and i mean this He was known from earth to venus For having a gjallarhorn sized penis
Here lies bapao His controller died while standig next to crota, who was 1 hit away from falling
"Here lies Siffera's hopes and dreams..."
Here lays ____ all broken hearted, once tried to shit and only farted.
My Warlock -"He never became legend" My Hunter - "He sucked at aiming throwing knives, he was not a true hunter" My Titan - "He did not get that [b]Icebreaker[/b] when Xur sold it because he [u]lacked[/u] the coins to get it." _ [i]RNGesus[/i]
X revive
Played to much destiny Died from a blood clot
"Guardian Down"
Here lies SmokeGreeen... ...He died saving orphans from a sinking battleship. Lest We Forget.