My favorite thing about Ghally is to sit back and watch all the doofus people argue about how it's pronounced. They get so bent out of shape about it and it's ridiculous. One thing I'll never understand about this community is why people put so much stock into trying to prove they are right about something as stupid as how to pronounce a weapon made up of pixels and lines of code. Can anyone explain that point to me?
Probably because it's name is from a real thing in Norse mythology that has a correct pronunciation.
Thank you for educating me, good sir. Also thank you for proving my point.
How did I prove your point? Its not a bunch of pixels. Gjallarhorn (the actual name) is a thing. Was around before Destiny. I wouldn't mispronounce your name and get pissed when people correct me I would change it, drive on, and welcome any bit of knowledge I gained from it.
I am well aware that it was a horn used in Norse mythology. My point is the Gjallahorn ,in Destiny, is a bunch of pixels and we are talking about how to pronounce something that has no real meaning in mine or anyone else's life. It is used in a video game to shoot other pixels and lines of code, and I will call it whatever I want and not be any dumber or smarter, in a way that matters, for knowing how to say the word.
You can call it whatever you want that's fine. Just don't be surprised when people correct you. I'm not going to try and change how you want to say or pick on you for it. But you did ask why. So...
Being right is fun.
True, I don't think anyone likes being wrong, but why put that much effort into it? That is the real question I guess.
Same reason all of us are on this forum. Boredom.