Every time someone brings up player trading, people always come up with crap excuses about how it will "break the game". In this thread, I will slaughter all excuses about why it shouldn't be implemented
Tl;dr at bottom
[spoiler]don't make me kick your ass bungie[/spoiler]
Excuse #1: level 20 players will be max 32 if people give them armor and fučk all the people that had to grind and raid for months to get
SOLUTION: only allow trading of items of the same rarity. For example, let's say I get 2 hard lights from vog and I already have a bunch of primary exotics, but for some reason, I can never get any other weapon type (this is my crurrent situation). Now let's say some other dude is the opposite of me. He has 3 plan c's and cannot seem to get the exotic he really wants, hard light. So, simple, we trade an exotic for an exotic. We both get what we want, and probably end up playing destiny more, since we're happy. Bungie is happy because that's two players that are now more happy with destiny than they were before. Activision is happy because those are two dlc-buying players (potentially) that are playing their game, as opposed to say, getting bored and quitting.
Excuse #2 there will be sites like destinyexotics247.com
SOLUTION: if you can only trade the same rarity, those sites would become obsolete because, why would you pay money to trade an exotic for an exotic, especially considering you can do that for free. You wouldn't. Problem solved.
If you can think of any more excuses for why trading shouldn't be implemented, please comment below and I will proceed to conquer them.
Tl;dr- only allow trading for items of the same rarity, like an exotic for an exotic ect.
Edit: 70 replies!
The reason trading isn't implemented is very simple. Everyone knows that the biggest tool bungie has to keep players running on the hampster wheel is the fact that they are hunting for that one exotic or two they don't have. If trading were to begin, everyone would have every weapon they need within a week or two. Players wouldn't grind as much seeing no need to hunt for anything else in game. Trading would break the obsessive/addictive need to keep running nightfalls/raids each week. Bungie would lose their grip on addicted players by week 4. Game would be broken. That's why