People may not believe you but coming from someone who knows a couple things, plasmas do have the best pic and zero lag(600+hz). The black level(which is pretty much how you judge picture quality) is far better as well.
much like a crt, burn in is an issue. Make sure to run the white screen every now and then to avoid it. The tv should have an option for white screen. Even my old Sanyo 50" has that. That's the bedroom tv. I game on the LED.
*Also, blaming a video game? I'm sorry but i've been to an elderly relative's house and no matter what you could permanently see the damn outline of the Fox news crawler. Any news station will burn in a plasma, they're notorious for it. The crawler at the bottom.
The Soap Opera Effect is nauseating... And LCDs have high refresh rates too. Most people turn off the fake refresh rates, your content is at a max of 60 hz as it is.