Do not use Atheon AR. It sucks in PvP.
Use a good primary like TLW or Suros for those "oh shit I'm gonna die" moments. Use a void fusion and a void heavy.
Once I changed my load out I finished in 10 games.
I also suck...a lot at PvP. You can do it.
Atheon's epilogue isn't terrible. I have always had a soft spot for Sahara class auto rifles. But if you can land headshots then Atheon's epilogue is decent. (16 bullets to the head is enough to kill someone)
Yeah, but three body shots with TLW... I just don't like AR's though so I'm biased.
I prefer scout rifles and pulse rifles over AR's as Well.
Scouts and HC's are my preference.
Never liked hand cannons. And pulse rifles I only really use in crucible (high DPS)