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( ^-^)
[spoiler]I don't even.[/spoiler]
*spams bees*
*grabs your tongue and rips it off*
*kicks you in the dick*
Jokes on you im a dick head Continue
Halo multiplayer announcer: Infected!
(x_x) *shoots self*
dovah pls
Thanks mom
Wait wat? Why are you licking me. Your spreading germs how dare you. *Pulls out gun* Go away or I'll shoot.
*uses dragonrend*
*licks back*
*You just attacked the wrong person*
*violently licks your face* the balls are in you court, Mr. Garrison.
Oh hai there
I'd rather have you lick something else :)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
*Responds by hitting you in the head with a brick and fking your body* [spoiler]Enjoy the plague[/spoiler]
* my face gets ripped off, from licking * * I run around, being all faceless and shit*
What are you?I mean your race
Ronald Reagan approves this message! [quote]Ronald Reagan, 2016![/quote]
*shoots gjallerhorn*
I read that as[quote]violently kicks your face[/quote]
what happens here stays here *^*
Ohhhh bby
Feckin 1v1 m8 I will rek u in ur sleepp. Scubb. [spoiler]I'm not 9 really..[/spoiler]