Has anyone else seen this? This seems legit as hell and makes this fight way easier. For those that have been struggling with Crota all week try this out.
*Please note this is not my video just wanted to pass it along since it didn't have many views and it seems like a very solid strategy.
Edit here is how you set it up
Before you start the crystal/make crota spawn you have all the titans go out and place bubbles with the perk that spawns 2 orbs at a time. It should spawn roughly 2 per bubble for each player. Each titan uses each others orbs to get their super back faster. Continue until orbs are all over for the sword bearer.
I tried using this strategy about two days ago basically it took us about twenty minutes to set up the orbs with two titans and we spend about two minutes actually playing before we all died. It got so frustrating setting it up we just said the hell with it. Nice to see what it looks like had we been successful.