I think it's on sale for about $42 on the Xbox Marketplace right now.
I don't know if I should buy it. I mean, of course I've heard that it's good, but I've never played a Dragon Age game before. Will that make it... significantly less enjoyable? I love Mass Effect, and it [i]is[/i] a bit better if you've played all the games, and not having just played ME3, for example.
Also, if I do buy it, should I get the deluxe edition? What additions does it have? I think it's just a few dollars more. Still less than $50.
DA: I is fantastic
No don't
Well I haven't played any other dragon age game, but Now I want to. Playing mass effect kinda helped, but, dragon age is totally different. Combat, dialogue, story, background, lore. Before I played I did dragon age keep to get a feel for what happened in the other 2 games, it gave me a bit of customization to the world and have a hand in what happens in my current play through, all in all, I think DA:I is a fantastic RPG, if you like to spend a lot of time in a game, it's for you
Combat can be stale unless you're sword and boarding, dodging and blocking appropriately. Even then I'd say its mediocre at best. Tons of bugs, glitchy quests/areas, to the point where its frustrating. It's got a lot of lore going for it, and its very appealing to old fans. Main story is alright. It's a very average game, if there's anything else you've been meaning to play I'd suggest going with that.
Hated Origins skipped the second one and love Inquisition
I hadn't played DA before and iloved inquisition. Buy it
You don't need to play the other ones to love inquisition. Although you will get a bit confused if you don't read the codexes which are basically all the lore. But if you came for a great gameplay experience, you might want to skip out on this because sometimes the gameplay is really boring rarely. Oh and don't do the side quests first or else it gets really boring, really fast
Play DA: Origins and Awakenings because they are awesome games. The lore is pretty intense so that will help when you play DA:I. I'd skip 2 to save the money. It was not a very enjoyable game. Just youtube the story elements to 2 then play DA Inquisition. Also remember to the the "dragonagekeep" to bring all of your desired choices from the first 2 games into DA:I. It's not automatic. /2cents
I don't like it.
I think it's important to play the first two games before playing that one, or else you won't understand what's going on And the deluxe edition just gives you a little boost in early game armor and weapon and also you get a throne that actually looks pretty dumb
Everyone will experience it differently I cannot say you will enjoy it but i did it is worth a look
Unless they are adding a dlc to it i won't buy it again
You're fine getting it w/out playing past games. Anything important is told through lore and conversations.
Get it you will enjoy the story even if you haven't played the first two. If you talk to the npcs they will give you the back story plus you can make decisions that fit your personality in the dragon age website
$42? Yeah. Go for it.
Lol I just made the same thread because I saw the same deal. I think I'm gonna buy it
Yes. Yes. Yes. It's a great game and one of the best this year. (Even if that's not saying much)
I waiting for mass effect remake for Xbox one.
Bah GAWD yea
I bought it. Waste of money for me. Not my style of game. Tons of people love it so it appeals to most.
I play it 66 hours and i love it. When you like ME and DA then buy it