It is so annoying to do an entire nightfall and weekly and what do u get for ur work. Ascendant materials. If you are going to do this then please add in a trade system of 10 ascendant shards or 20 ascendant shards for 1 radiant shard. Bungie you need to understand that ascendant materials are irrelevant to the majority of the community. I get Eris does the trade thing , but we r still stuck with ascendant materials. Please listen to us and do this.
I agree getting ascended mats from a nightfall makes it a waste of time ; we can only play it once a week and we get rewarded with that rubbish ..... I know people will say : but lots of people don't raid ... That's their own fault ; the raids are a huge part of the game and are the main way to progress .. The people who do raid shouldn't be getting rewarded useless mats just because there are people who don't raid