Ever since the hard mode was released this week I've been having a multitude of network problems. Just got kicked to orbit twice and out of game once with weasel, jackrabbit and bee errors all in about half an hour...
Ports are forwarded, console (360) is wired connection straight to modem and DS is usually around 60-100 Mbps with US being about 30-50 Mbps.
Yet I am usually a red connection with these servers and like many others that is only an issue with this game.
What is up?
You'll want to check out [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/11930]bungie.net/networking[/url] to troubleshoot your connection. There are instructions for each console listed under that link as well. Each of those error codes you've listed have their own Help Support Articles as well. You'll want to check those pages for the latest updates.