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1/24/2015 4:33:03 PM

New crucible playlist

Please can we get a playlist without supers. Panic super after panic super is not a fun way to deal with intense situations, as soon as you think you will be able to get someone, they hulk smash because they have no other choice but kill one enemy. In any other game they would die for sure, but guardians can press two buttons for a get out of jail free card. I'm not asking for supers to be removed, I just want to playlist where gun play is king and you cant run in and kill a team single handed with abilities that shouldn't be guaranteed kills. Reach had armor abilities but they didn't get kills every time you activated them and there were playlists that didn't have them at all. Why can't Destiny have this. Why can't I be rewarded for skillful shooting and not be punished because they have a full yellow bar on their screen and panic.

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