ive posted a pic :(
another [url]http://i.imgur.com/UlaflqG.jpg[/url]
when I talk to people they
look away
don't respond
always quite down when I walk by
what should I do?
edit - hey all I have been receiving many mean comments and they have been making me really sad so now I don't know what to do. why is everyone here really mean? I think I might go and cry. you guys r really rude to me ;(
the greatest thread on bnet...
If you think your ugly, you should just kill yourself you -blam!-ing jap.
Take a shower kids. Your all pathetic
Hey your cute and have hot eyes. <3 Cupid must've hit me again...
Well shit. Sucks for you I guess
*urge to punch phone, growing"
Wan sum fuk?
Edited by PhoenixBolt96: 7/13/2015 5:34:48 PMB8-O-Meter ___ |█| Masterb8 |█| How many fish are you trying to catch? |█| |█| That's a lot of b8 |█| |█| Definitely b8 |█| |█| B8 |█| |█| Probably b8 |█| |█| might be b8 |█| |█| Unlikely b8 |█| |█| Probably not b8 |█| |█| Not b8
You're really cute honestly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm confused, are you serious? If you are, you my have a body dis morphia issue, it's a serious and horrible condition, but there are ways to beat it. Also with your symptoms you could have extreme social anxiety, followed by possible depression, the feelings of always being judged and never being good enough, that could cause you to feel like that. I hope you aren't trolling cause that's rude to all the people who do feel that way, and if your not trolling and want to talk, I got experience with this. So write back or pm, I'll listen.
Prolly a troll but you look gorgeous m'lady
[i] [/i]
*cough*attention whore*cough*
I remember this thread from a LONG Time ago
"Gaben voice" UHHHHHHH NO
It's a trap.
Gr8 b8 m8 wud r8 8/8 no h8 in a ratio of 8:8 I hope u apprec8
This is even faker than the moon landing [spoiler]Kappa[/spoiler]
Kill it with [i]fire[/i]
10/10 would bang repeat 10/10 definitely not you in pic
Probably a troll but You're very attractive, and those 'symptoms' you mentioned are what a lot guys do when talking to a hot girl?...
Nice try ugly ass OP, Google images can't save you now.
Bby y no tell me if u r 4 real is thisb8 m8 idk8 but if u wanna prove it then m8 u gotta celebr8
There once was an ugly barnacle, and he was so ugly that everyone died. The end.