So, I know some guys are not used to the idea of girls playing video games and actually being good at it. Guess what it really happens! Several times now I have been booted from fireteams as soon as they found out that I was female and its really frustrating to finally find a raid group and as soon as I speak get kicked out. All it does is make me afraid to talk when I do get in a raid group. I'm a level 31 warlock with a pretty high grimoire score and I have worked really hard to get there so when I'm turned away from teams for being a girl it's upsetting. So, guys get over it,it is 2015 and there are a lot of girls that play video games and are actually good.
FPS community is on the stone age, you're better of on an MMORPG where female gamers are treated well and looked up to when they play good. I play MMOs and all the female gamers are treated as if it was a normal thing.