The people who do armor weapons shaders ships sparrows. Seriously re skins? How much do you make to provide that talent to the team?! We had shit brown ships before DLC. Crota ships are Atheons with hive shit on it. The sparrow. Seriously?! The exact -blam!-ing same as time breaker but wait. It's just a different color! The raid weapons. All weapons with hive shit thrown on it. Locked DLC on the disk. No ghost shells. Seriously. You need to do some trimming of the fat in your guys office.
Edit1: DLC areas are just reused or they make us run them backwards as new content.
Edit2: it's been said that it might not be there fault because management is the final say. Either way something serious needs to be done instead of changing the color of the condom that they screw us with.
Edit3: for some odd reason some of you who happen to work in this field think I'm bashing on you. Im not. Im trying to say whoever lead the design or decide to put it in full game is stupid. It's a lack of talent and a poor excuse for a hire.
Edit4: I'm a bit thirsty though so I'm gonna collect some tears off of here. >:)
Edit5: So I don't work in any art field nor would I like to, but to reskin something or make a player run a route backwards and call it new content is a disgrace to your job and what you do. To be called a designer or be in management to make your team put this stuff out is horrible! Shame on them. I hope this gets trending and voted up so someone important can see that players are not happy with half ass content. The sparrow was the last straw for me. Time breaker with different colors. Seriously?
Edit: lol at the people messaging me with hate mail. You realize with let's say or use the 13 million guardians registered stat x that by 60$ is $780,000,000. You would think some funds in there would actually go to more effort on items. Instead of a lazy reskin. Shit pay me a half a million out of that and I'll do the best damn job at making new shit.
A passion to make content and design something should be properly done with thoughtfulness. Not a re skin and throw it out in the world. Are you really proud of your work? It's pathetic to re skin. Laziness.
Recycling is good for the environment
Fuk yeah get good we don't want you bullshit man if your just going to go slap a real in you should at least make a decent story fuking retards
Shaders are fine and different but everything else is pretty recycled
I am an artist and developer and programmer on my own. I can tell you, even retexturing is hard. Stop crying.
The ship "designs" are laughably bad, I had a period during IB that I unlocked 5 "new" ships, they all look exactly the -blam!-ing same! It's like playing spot the difference. They should have just got rid of the whole ship loading screens and added the Grimoire cards to read instead, the whole idea of unlocking a ship that it's sole purpose is to look at during load times has got to be some kind of sick joke.
Up for edits
Bump for hate mail. Booohooo
Bump again
Activision is getting Bungie to shit on us...I think it's time for a revolution! Activision is one of the scum of the gaming industry!
They fired the story maker but not the re-skinners -_-
I don't know why they dont integrate the PVP arenas into the patrols. Exploration would be a lot more interesting with some new bounties in unfamiliar areas. Most of them would fit in easily.
The ships look like shit, they're all the same combinations of shitty pieces. Design some unusual and awesome friggin ships, Bungie. Make me like the look.
All the talent is making stuff for "destiny 2 : the story begins" We are now stuck with interns and work experience kids providing filler content.
I hate how the new raid items are recycled....ships, primary and secondary weapons. The base of each items are the same! They just slap on scales to make it "unique" :/
I would h hid sh!t ave made the sparrow also have hive sh!t thrown on top of it and it would have been cooler than any other. But yes I agree and have been saying the same thing for a while this has to stop it is unacceptable.
I have to say, I believe I am one of the more supportive players in this community. Most of what bothers other players I really don't see as significant issues. However, probably the one aspect of the dlc that I dislike above all others is the new ships. I hate to say it, but they are real eyesores. I don't mind reskins so much, but when the reskin is neon green, red/blue, or some other garish color scheme it makes me avoid the roc strikes altogether as I have no desire to acquire them. The ship (don't remember the name) that basically cobbles together the Birth of History and the Aspect of Glass is particularly odious. Don't get me wrong, the cosmetics of the ships is still a minor issue in the big scheme of things. That still doesn't make them pretty.
I think the lazy-looking and garish two-tone ships are actually groundwork for when they release the Shader update that will allow us to apply Shaders to our ships. That update really needs to happen sooner than later. I hope it works on more than just our Ships and Sparrows, too; we need more visual variety in the Guardian population, we need to be able to apply Shaders individually to pieces of armor and weapons.
The locked dlc shit is awful
This shit right here is the reason after I make some sort of use of my season pass.. Gearbox will have my money again. Least they know how to make a fun game. Same with The Division/Dying Light. Bungie is a sad empty shell of a company they used to be. Bet those statistic figures Deej puts out only helps all the men and woman who left their shithole company back in 2013. As in "See! You didnt completely fck us when you left! We still have people who somewhat like this endless reskin grindfest crap!" More power to them I guess. I'll be taking my leave soon as will many many others. In the end, not the worst game in the world...but a serious empty void of what should have been.
If you don't like the game, don't play it. Simple.
Edited by Atamusk: 1/25/2015 3:50:50 AMFirst, I would like to see your competing designs. Second, there are only so many ways you can put a barrel, chamber, grip, magazine, and stock together. You're basically saying that all automatic pistols are just re-skins because they have similar dimensions and a similar mechanical design. Do you consider fighting game characters to be re-skins? They all use the same basic skeleton, just re-sized for different characters. I mean, they are all humanoids, where's the variety, right?