Every time I see someone who is still level 31 I vomit I'm my mouth a little.
Edit1: ok at frist this was ment to be a joke but everyone got very angry soooo.... yea, also yes I know my titan is 31 and my hunter is level 11, I vomit when I play them to.
Every time I see a "joke/satire" thread I have a small stroke.
You're the dumbest person on the planet. Must be between the ages of 13-17
Lol. Im 90 xp away from eris 4 and need one upgrade on my crota helm and ill be there
Your statement is complete crap. I have ONE. I REPEAT ONE character with all raid gear with 43 raid completions. Know how to beat both raids legit and have played Croats end once a week since it dropped. I'm only missing 3 or 4 shards bc I've turned all my energy in to Eris morn for shards. More like how about you stop thinking you're elite bc you're 32.
Snobbish troll. That's sorta new. I guess.
Yet one of your characters is 31. Are you mental?
You lack inches between the legs don't you?
Wine. Please pour me some wine.
Says the moron who also has a level 31 and an 11..
I guess your the only person who went from level 20, straight to 32, interesting, can you please tell us how you did this?
Oh, the irony is really. *faceplam*
My second character isn't even 31. So what now?
What like you? Lol