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originally posted in:Ministry of Truth
1/23/2015 12:07:55 AM

Moral Recruitment Test

You are walking through the Cosmodrome and decide to stomp on a nearby bird, you miss and the little bastard flies up your leg, into your armor, and begins to peck at your soft bits. Do you: A) Calmly remove your armor and release the poor thing. After all, it was YOU that provoked the beast. Or B) GET A HAMMER AND RING YOURSELF LIKE A BELL TILL THE MF'ERS DEAD! If you chose 'B' “Ministry of Truth” may just be the place for you. Need a few more raiders, preferably in the west coast (US) time zone but not limited to. Experienced A'holes only please. Snowflakes need not apply, unless you like to be ridiculed. Then by all means, we will enjoy belittling you..

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