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1/22/2015 10:58:48 AM
Good post, good sentiment; unfortunately me reading it and agreeing with it does nothing all the while the folks who can do something about it do nothing i.e the devs. The sad/frustrating thing about this game is its untapped potential; we can all see how cool it could be but is it ever likely to happen? Think about it for a moment; despite all the negative appraisals from reviewers and gamers alike Bungie still have a game played by millions on a daily basis and already made their 500mil back at launch. From their perspective they probably consider Destiny an unequivocal success; what reason could they possibly have to change it when we're all playing it regardless? They have their money, they'll have even more money when the poor fools who haven't already bought House of Wolves cough up for it expecting a decent expansion, win,win,win. They really have little incentive to improve the game because as it stands they're already laughing all the way to the bank and players continue to say 'one day things'll get better; I'll just keep playing in the hope that they do'.The only time Bungie/Activision will start to listen is when they're no longer making money out of us, so stop shelling out for sub par 'expansions' and promises, perhaps go and play something else for a while and make them make changes by using the power of your wallet to demonstrate your feelings.

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