originally posted in:Destiny PS4 Community
Psn Agent-5-cobra add me please, I'm lonely...
Anyone welcome to add me 24 titan Coupyrulz
Hmu! Lvl100cyndaquil
[quote]Psn Agent-5-cobra add me please, I'm lonely...[/quote] Akidzdream lv.24 titan add me
Add me psn LezhyOrbz-018 I'm deaf
Add me ps4: tatito81. Always willing to help with raids/weekly/nightfall
Anyone can add me. New to the ps4. Kingz19XX
Whoever wants to add me PSN GT: bOsSmAn76_
I could use a 3rd person. I'll add you
Add me my psn is kamaull6789
I'll add you when I get home ps4