Mine would be the Mac cannon from halo or the Wabajack from Skyrim
Any ideas?
Edit: Weapons you named count as long as they are in a video game
Edit: No more BFG's its already been said so many times, first use by aYoGrant.
Edit: The Gjallahorn is also really overused, Alduin is fgt for trying to correct ma spellinz
Edit: Penetrator has been said by Pinkie20202 and many others.
Edit: Abe_Guy was the first to say Needler.
Edit: Lord Numenor was the first to say Fatman.
Edit: Ice Breaker is overused, it was said first by ShowBiz Bear
Edit: widow maker is overused
Edit: gravity hammer is overused
Edit: Drksteel's dick is incredibly overused, stop posting it
Edit: Giant Dad is necro fgt
Edit: Black Hammer has been said more times than desticle on B-net because of this post. Please stop saying Black Hammer there's like 90 of them and it's pretty racist.
The Phoenix from infinity blade. Once it goes down it's gonna be coming back up again!
Hammer of Dawn.
Buster Sword
Bass bump
The Spartan laser
The bass cannon.
Infected energy sword...
The digger
Boom shot
The black hammer.
Bust-her sword
Blade of Olympus
The Holy Avenger[spoiler]bonus points if you know where it comes from[/spoiler]
Hammer of Dawn
Golden Gun
Unlabored flawlessness. Ninja gaiden 2
The Harbinger from ratchet and clank. Its all over the place.
Scarab Gun
The Penetrator
I'm a dude, so I'll go with Tuna sword. If I were a chick, I'd go with Drill bucket.
Black box -team fortress 2
The incineration cannon.