More specifically, the fact that it has a vertical blast radius equivalent to an atomic bomb's mushroom cloud is what makes it OP. There's no reason why it should kill me when I'm 30 feet in the air, Bungie. That's just overkill.
Edit: Let me make it clear for all of you. Fist of Panic is a ground pound. The important word there is "ground". Fist of Panic, a "ground" pound, can take out people 30 feet in the air. That's my problem with it.
Now watch as the people who abuse it come to defend it.
Oh, good. At first I thought you were talking about Fist of Havoc. Guess I was mistaken.
I always wait till the whole enemy team is 30 feet above me, then i keep launching my super! Muhahahaha soooooo powerful... So much satire...
It has the same killzone as a nova bomb, except you have to get close to use it. Note: I haven't had a titan since alpha.
Not the FoP directly but the functional invincibility that comes with it. 2 golden gun shots back to back, little shít still lived it mid air and got me.
Never used striker but it's not OP, I can throw 3 bombs that can kill 2 people each and make them track people. Blade dancers can circle the map killing everyone on the other team like its child's play. No Super is overpowered.
own all three classes, max all sub classes. have to disagree. there all over powered and it depends on the user on how over powered it gets. i mainly use a titan, but i get higher scores with my hunter. wouldnt fret about it so much, unless your playing against a entire team of titans. then prepare for a bubble smash athon
The same goes for the nova bomb. Even when I'm high in the air as a titan, I'm getting frakked. And I need 2 rockets to kill an blade dancer. But then again, the crucible sucks.
It's a super it's supposed to be op ffs
Yeah blast radius needs to be nerfed.jumping from the super should work to get away from it.same as a nova bomb works.same.goes for bladedancer they can jump kill you so OP.and people justifying can get kill as can warlocks while in air doing a nova not get my started many times as warlock i hit a ceiling wall and failed nova bomb.or just get 1 kill average .3 above average if people camping a spot.seems hunters get best deal all round.
Funny. I died twice by the fist of havoc in a row. Then I came back and killed both the guys that super me with my gunslinger. But wait for it. His buddy decide to revive him and instant death by the golden gun. Thus, they waste two supers to kill me twice while i use one super get three kills. Its a win for me.
I read a lot of people comments and I'm starting to think your trolling with this post. We know its OP all the supers are OP
I don't think it's op. just. Incredibly annoying sometimes. Never more annoying then a warlock IMO.
All things in this game are op moron. Get used to it.
Edited by Zazmar: 1/21/2015 7:19:05 AMI need this skill because my nickname is panic
Honestly, it's not. Arc Blade is just mini FoH that you can run around with and streak kills together.
That nerfornothing tag killed me! xD
Ok hunters come under alot of criticism for having op supers golden gun is a 3 kill super at most (without the helm) how many kills do you get on avg per nova or havic (like3) blade dancer is op because a good user can " easily get 4kills+ but you can still kill a bladedancer fairly easy how many times do you get shut down when you nova bomb or havic once? twice? How many times do you get shut down mid super and actully lose it far less hunters from the moment we hit those 2 buttons its been consumed gone no turning back you get killed wile starting it tough luck and if course "hunters are little girls they just rum behind cover and come out superd I dont do that " well when you use a titan havic your basically untouchable from the moment you hit the buttons warlocks are slightly more exposed hunters you are 100% vulnerable wile you equip the super and eile getting kills we dont want to waste it so yes we go behind cover "hunters supers are to op and easy to use" not really ther probably the hardest 2 use think about we have to equip 100% exposed then you actully have to aim the gun and shoot or run with the blade titans just get in range smash done on .3 of a second warlocks just aim the bomb fire. Done 1 second I do realize this is not a full explanation but I also don't want to offend any one Just plz stop hating
You're right it's so overpowered. Here's a hint If a Titan is sprinting strait toward you chances are a shoulder charge or fist of havoc is gonna kill you Get better at head shots
Everythings op if youre not using it. Suck it up, buttercup, then build a bridge and get over it
I YOLO'd Phogoth in both Nightfall and weekly when his health got low enough. Timed both beautifully. It's the best part of being a titan. Don't nerf it!
It doesn't do that! Nova bomb does and at distance And while were at it... Scrubby hunters actually have it built on Bladedancing ! It's just dancing auto target kill is so OP.. Why would a dancer EVER push RT!!! So sick of Titan OP garbage! Titans are outclassed in PVP BY A -blam!-IN MILE'
Only problem with FoH. It's fun when you're the one serving though.
You're right, it is overpowered. It's almost like it's called a "super" or something...
Same can be said for the Warlocks super as It kills people in Mid air as well and while we are at it Nerf the Hunter super as well.... ITS OP!!!! Better yet be done with supers and lets all fist fight. <insert sarcasm>
Another Titan and I just fist of panicked each other at the same time a couple hours ago. It was hilarious because we both ran around a corner, saw each other and both panicked like 12 yo girls at a beiber
The vertical damage cone is really annoying. The health they get while doing it is extremely annoying. Getting killed in a panic? Ok sure fine. I stick the Titan with a Fusion grenade BEFORE FoH, then get killed and the Titan SURVIVE it? Not cool. :/