Do any other hunters experience inconsistencies or glitches with the arcbolt grenade? I've had numerous things happen instead of the grenade jumping to multiple enemies:
1. The grenade is deployed in a pack of enemies, but does not hit any of them (no damage whatsoever)
2. The grenade is deployed in or near a pack of enemies that are close together, but only kills one (no chain)
*Note that I am mostly talking about PvE here.
Edit: it seems like any elevation change will stop the chain between enemies (crouching enemies, enemies on different height platforms or hills)
EDIT: arcbolt grenade description: a grenade that chains bolts of lightning to nearby enemies
I still have had instances where the enemies are not on different elevations and the grenade just doesn't target anyone
Hunters, post if you have had similar problems and add any that you have personally experienced
I agree, I don't remember hearing: "If someone throws you a grenade, duck! It might save your life!" Any granade should cause some damage even if the enemy ducks.