Not really sure why we dont have these but nonetheless it sounds awesome!! They could be just like our armor shaders.
It could even be the same slot as armor shader and use the exact same colors.
I just want more customization and I think weapon shaders is a great way to do that. Bump so Deej can see!!
Im on the fence about this. I like the faction paint jobs for the faction guns already. This sounds kinda like gun camos from CoD
Or your current shader effects your weapon color save exotic items, that would be cool.
Please no
Keep liking guys!
This idea is awesome!!! I hate how the guns a choose are either brighter or darker than my armor
It's not COD ...
this won't happen. if you want a cool skin get something from a faction
Love this!
Keep it coming guys!
Edited by Dr Oofinshmirtz: 1/21/2015 3:02:27 AMThis whole game is a big "it could be"
Do it Bungie, do it
+1 sounds cool
would love a gold suros
To start, I wouldn't mind having weapons take on my armor shader, but, it would be a fun option to have separate control.
Needs ship shaders, too. Don't know how that wasn't in the original content. Seems like a no brainer.
They are too busy with hotfixes. They don't have time to make the game better for the 99%. They have to fix the he's for the 1%.
Bump :)
Edited by DynamiteYogurt: 1/21/2015 3:55:19 AMBut the point of faction weapons are that they look different, mmmmmmmmm
Yes. Just, yes
Edited by Cathis: 1/21/2015 3:11:17 AMYou honestly think bungie will go our of their way to do this? Ha when will you guys learn
It would be nice not gonna lie. But bungie won't do it, and if they do, it's gonna be a loooong time.
I get use guns that I can match with my shaders
Idea is good.