Help. Don't leave me to die. Thoughts? Considering suicide, but I have to get revenge for the dare (will take revenge suggestions too)
Edit: the furries have taken over! Run while you can!
Edit 2: we can do this! Gotta drown out the furries! We need mo' different stuff! And I know now to inb4 stuff
Edited by xRADIOACT1V3x: 1/21/2015 12:41:46 AM>wants to ask OP question >scrolls to see if answered already >several images >IKnowWhereThisThreadIsGoing.jpg >lowers brightness >opens image >Exactly what I expected >"if I had that kind of drawing skills Id be done this arts project and I wouldn't have to work in a group to finish it" >TrueStory.jpg >is about to keep scrolling >creaking sounds from behind >OH-blam!-.gif >A wild little sister appears! >"WATCHA LOOKING AT?" >MindCrashImminent >"why is your phone off" >MindCrashAverted >"Im just cleaning the screen" >Sister leaves >phone brightness saves the day again now for the question, Why would someone choose that as a dare?