We don't even have them in UK lol. Never been bothered by creepy dolls or animatronics before either. Just one of those things. Anyways, it's not that bad. I can deal with it. Just proves how well they were designed :)
Ohh yeah. I remember I had a really bad nightmare after playing the game late at night, Bonnie is a demon. XD
Normal Bonnie? Fine. Friggin withered Bonnie from the second game? NOPE! O_O
Well, this was before the second game was even out. Before we knew it could be so much worse...
Back when foxy was the scariest. Just seeing him run at you down the hall is so scary... Then he pops out from the door and screams... Back before mangle was created...
For me, Bonnie was the worst. Looking right at the camera with his black, empty eyes...