My first Seventh Column. I ended up getting a Seventh Column before I got a Reaper.Yea I get a Reaper here because 6 comes before 7 but I have yet to get a reaper without getting the seventh.
Edit: Thanks for all the positivity guys, sometimes you just don't know when you post on these forums. I do very much appreciate it and I hope that I can bring more of these to you guys in the Future.
Unbelievable. My jaw dropped. Didn't even think that that was possible. Highest multikill I've ever gotten is Slayer, twice. Good job.
thanks for sharing. I was always wondering how this could be done. now It's clear that firebase delphi is made for it :)
Like a boss
Nice man! I've always wanted one of these, almost got one on Saturday, but the game ripped me off and gave me 2 triple downs instead of a reaper, just a fraction of a second slow I guess.
He'll yeah man good job
Good Job. These 2K+ Crucible Games finally paid off ;-)
First one of these I have ever seen. Damn fine work.
For atlantis left the game. GG
Awesome job. Have never got past reaper myself.
Hunter supers ftw, that's awesome. As a titan... Hunters=pvp masters
First one I've ever seen too, hunter super is the best super.
Wow nice!
Very nice.
How do I find my medals?
Jesus Is My Son has to be jealous of you.
Wow. First one I've ever seen. Nice.