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1/18/2015 2:00:09 AM
IT'S OVERRATED I've fully leveled obsidian mind and tested it out. It's a great helmet for sure, but only on the first look. I don't know about you guys, but all I do in this game besides pvp is nightfall, weekly and raids. The main goals during all those pve activities are to survive and help out teammates. The second life on a sunsiger is just too good. Obsidian mind can clear out mobs, but I can do that too with my solar granades during my super as a sunsinger. My claws of ahamkara are much more useful. If you know how, you can become a tank and stay alive forever. In the end obsidian mind is just a mob clearer and will force you into taking greater risks, nothing really good for nightfalls or hard raids. Oh and by the way, that Bad Juju combo is so retarded. I tested it as well. Sure my super gets up pretty fast, but would I ever use bad juju over ice breaker or gjallarhorn on the raid or the nightfall?! Hell no.

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  • OM works with both subclasses. Other than not having the nova to help with super regen, it is still very fast with Juju. I've used it with Sun Singer and I can actually use Radiance without having to wait an entire event for an emergency and possibly never use it. Last week's NF I used it a lot and because we know what we're doing, we never had to use my self res. I was able to contribute to the team and not just sit back and wait for something bad to happen. Juju is a good gun if you know how to use it, especially if Juggler mod is on. Sorry to blast holes in your theory, but there are other ways to play a Warlock if you take the time to learn how.

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  • I've played voidwalker for over two months and I can play exactly as good with my sunsinger. If you're playing too defensive as a sunsinger, it's your problem. It comes down to 1 life vs 2 lifes.

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  • I don't, but you said OM is only good for clearing out mobs. I stated it's good for both subclasses if you know what you're doing.

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  • Yeah I had to push it down a little, because everbody was so hyped about it, but I would agree with you that it's the best exotic piece for a voidwalker.

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  • I only plan on using it in roc strikes and the abyss (Or perhaps just wearing it to wear it on hard mode instead of LBN), so I'm good.

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  • To all my warlock homies out there, master race

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  • You are totally right. Obsidian mind is alot of fun but its only useful on low level mobs. Bad Juju isn't worth it over Icebreaker.

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  • Obsidian, Juju, Black Hammer, Hunger of Crota..<3

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  • I prefer the Veil personally, works for both classes so i don't feel as pigeonholed and can actually use my void spec during certain points of the PVE stuff. The juju is such a piece of shit I do not understand why everyone is suddenly hard on'd for it. Give me a Hawkmoon, Vex, Suros, IB etc over that crap giving me a slight boost to my super.

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  • Did you watch the video? He produced about24+ nova bombs with the mind a juju.

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  • Yeah as long as you have a lot of T1 enemies and the OM going its a cool party trick. I got that OM perk and had some fun doing the chains but meh. Not worth using the Juju for me.

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  • Let me put it this way OM is to Voidwalkers as Praxic is to Sunsinger

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  • As soon as you said that you primarily play pvp you lost some credibility I'm happily leveling my OM and I plan to use it in raids. I did the raid with a OM voidwalker, after legions everyone used their super all the time, making the fight drastically easier.

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  • Edited by GRAYFOX-SVT: 1/18/2015 6:50:41 PM
    people who primarily play PVP suck at raids and are of no use the real masters of the game being the nightfall and raid runners

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  • Truth :)

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  • Destiny was built primarily as a co op social game, I hope it never sways to the side of the PVP players

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  • Mhm

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  • Edited by bilid: 1/18/2015 1:34:21 PM
    only bad warlock use sunsinger mate especially if your only using it for the revive. what i have realise is that the more you use sunsinger the more dependent you are on self res, so the more you allow your self to die, basically you know you can die so you play like shit. i do entire raids and void nightfalls with void walker and barely die, on these things you shouldn't be dieing anyway, if you do you don't deserve any of the rewads. don't use sunsinger for a week and it'll make you a better player.

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  • Plenty of good players use Sunsinger. If you can't use Sunsinger because you become too dependent on self revive that's on you, not every other Sunsinger. Self-revive only makes a good player a better player because if they're not dumb and don't rely on it and therefore don't take unnecessary risks, then they can be a life saver to everyone else if something unfortunate happens and a lot of people die, especially during a Nightfall or Raid. I've run raids and nightfalls where everyone was a Sunnsinger and most of the time we only have 1 death, if any at all, because we're not bad players. Choosing any specific class doesn't make you a bad player. If you choose Sunsinger and you're dieing all the time that means you're a bad player and you'll likely die often as any other class.

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  • i have a permanent team for raids and nightfalls, friends, and most of them are very good players, some better than me, so we rely on each other not to die, i like to be doing shit tons of damage, not protecting others, most of the people i play with can hold their own weight.

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  • Edited by Cozyman Cam: 1/18/2015 2:53:57 PM
    [quote]basically you know you can die so you play like shit. i do entire raids and void nightfalls with void walker and barely die, on these things you shouldn't be dieing anyway, if you do you don't deserve any of the rewads. don't use sunsinger for a week and it'll make you a better player.[/quote]The same can be said about having fireteam mates with you. You know they can revive you so you take more risks.

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  • i agree.

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  • I don't die a lot. I use my super if the situation allows it and I play extremely carefully. Either way, there's always a point where you die and then I have a bonus. You can't just put all sunsingers in one drawer.

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  • i see your point but you'll realise what i am saying once you stop using sunsinger alot, i started out as a sunsinger, always used it and used the self res, then once void walker was upgraded i havent bothered to switch back untill solar burn nightfalls or weekly heroiccs without a burn and it has made me a better player.

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