So, I know some guys are not used to the idea of girls playing video games and actually being good at it. Guess what it really happens! Several times now I have been booted from fireteams as soon as they found out that I was female and its really frustrating to finally find a raid group and as soon as I speak get kicked out. All it does is make me afraid to talk when I do get in a raid group. I'm a level 31 warlock with a pretty high grimoire score and I have worked really hard to get there so when I'm turned away from teams for being a girl it's upsetting. So, guys get over it,it is 2015 and there are a lot of girls that play video games and are actually good.
Edited by zStownd: 1/18/2015 10:42:49 AMNot gonna lie, I always trip out when I hear a chick pop up on the mic. Like whoa shit a chick that plays, awesome. Not to mention I got a buddy whose wife is not only smoking hot but she also kicks the shit out of people on COD all the time. Granted thanks to my buddy teaching her she noob tubes the shit out of everyone but you can't help but lose it when she starts talking mad shit to them afterwards. Some of the funniest shit I've ever had the pleasure of listening to lol Ps. Since your on 360 add me, always got room for more people. GT: li stoned il
Edited by GamerStar117: 1/18/2015 4:01:46 PMIll help u out if u want, lvl 32 titan. Im on xbox one. My GT is Gamerstar117. Im not a creep so dont worry lol Edit: also u have a killer grimior score and good gear. I dont see why anyone would kick u out of a raid group.
Dear Charley 1129, If you want to play destiny with a group of people you like, just create a group. I'll join it. I like to play destiny and kicking alien but :-D If you feel the same, feel free to contact me.
No one cares.
Edited by Masshole: 1/18/2015 2:43:22 PM[quote]Charley1129[/quote] Whatever you say, man.
I'm on the 360. Don't care who you are if you can contribute. My gt is my name. There's girl gamer groups on here somewhere as well. Just have to find them.
Attention seeking much
Thank you for that, im not a girl but it really annoys me when people are sexist. I would be glad to have you on my fireteam. Btw im a lvl 24 warlock with 909 defense.
Well sorry don't play 360 anymore if you get a ONE I can help. Sick of carrying my own friends through raids. GT HotDogLukn4aBun
Thats surprising. I got kicked from a raid once for "Being a stupid brit" so I was like "Well f*** you then." And I am usually the guy carrying the raid. Their loss, I hope they never got the door open. :)
I'm a man, and we're better than you, get over it. (Unless it comes to sandwich making)
Edited by Fotbitr: 1/18/2015 10:24:27 AMCheck her k/d for a laugh. [spoiler]I think you might wish to revise your statement a little bit.[/spoiler]
No, I won't get over it. Whatcha gonna do about it, [i]hmmmmmmm?[/i]
Lol, girls good at video games.... Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
1v1 me OP
I dont know what 13 year old got under your skin but I couldn't give less of a shit what is or what isn't between your legs.
[quote]So, I know some guys are not used to the idea of girls playing video games and actually being good at it. [/quote] If they are anything like me, they may be annoyed with the females who play for the wrong reasons. Like to get attention and "sex sells" ideology on twitch.
Edited by Reign of Bane: 1/17/2015 6:30:45 PMI don't really care who I play with it against female or male. As you are talking in general gaming terms, lots of idiots are online and silly children. Probably embarrassed you out rank them.
Well someone must have pissed you off.
I couldnt give less of a shit what is or what isnt between your legs.
I actually enjoy playing with girls. On destiny I have one female friend and she's good and but not as good as me (probably because of weapons and armor). On COD I have a couple of female friends who are better than me. Sometimes I get mad but I still enjoy playing with them. Don't see why those guys don't play with you, dumb is the only word I can think for them. I would add you but I'm on PS3. Hope u find a group that actually have a brain.
[quote]So, I know some guys are not used to the idea of girls playing video games and actually being good at it. Guess what it really happens! Several times now I have been booted from fireteams as soon as they found out that I was female and its really frustrating to finally find a raid group and as soon as I speak get kicked out. All it does is make me afraid to talk when I do get in a raid group. I'm a level 31 warlock with a pretty high grimoire score and I have worked really hard to get there so when I'm turned away from teams for being a girl it's upsetting. So, guys get over it,it is 2015 and there are a lot of girls that play video games and are actually good.[/quote] Are you on ps3???
I am currently looking for gaming friends of either gender. I am almost always on, when not at work. Lv27 hunter and I'm up for any raid, and or mission. Gt is the same.
> implying all guys think like this
I never thought girls were bad at games :/