I have been playing since a week or two ago. I've never done PvP or PvE. I'm trying to learn what the deal is as far as what weapons are good against what enemies, but my google fu is not working so well. Anyway, long story short, I've got crappy gear and I'm level 18. Everything I've been reading says I should do strikes and crucible to get better gear. So, today for the first time I tried strike. The first one went ok because I spent half the strike trying to figure out where to go since I'd never been in that area. The second one I followed along better, but it was awful. none of my weapons were even phasing the enemy and we didn't finish the strike. At one point, one of the other two team members came over and shot me a couple times.
I don't want to ruin things for anybody, but I don't know how to get any better if I don't just play.
I know n00bs have a bad rep, and I don't want to do the wrong thing.
Would I be better off to start a new character and do strikes with it so I'm not paired with a higher level player? Or does it not work that way?
Sorry for the long post. Just want to do the right thing.
Finish all story, you get gear that way, do bounties to lvl gear up and get to 20 faster. Once you hit 20 things will get easier. Don't go to pvp aka crucible until you finished the story and can solo a strike, otherwise you will get eaten alive. Remeber on weapoms, impact is damage not atk.
Well first it is hard to see what you are working with because your forum name is not the same as your gamertag. We can't view your gear or weapons. Do strikes and bounties. When you level up enough you will be able to purchase legendary gear from the Vanguard. Once you are comfortable with the game physics try crucible. Your level doesn't matter in crucible. A lvl 2 can beat a lvl 32 no problem if they are decent. The only thing that gives them an advantage is their subclass perks and weapon perks. Find a clan to join that is looking for new members or just some people to help. Good luck.
Just keep doing strikes. As you learn you'll improve and your gear will too. Dont worry about anyone else just have fun.
Make sure when you do strikes you are at least one level higher (or at least the same level) than the strike's level. Otherwise, you're going to do miniscule damage.