originally posted in:The Light Apostles
Okay so now we have a good number of Guardians on both platforms it would be great if everyone could add each other as friends please, I will be doing this tomorrow morning as I have been awake from 4am due to work but if everyone could make the effort that would validate our mission statement at its most fundamental level, we play for each other.
Hello all. My psn is Waylander19. I have a lvl 32 hunter and I am happy to help anyone, anytime. I am on the PS4. I am glad to have joined a clan of like minded people. I am hoping to build a pool of clan members for raiding. No more random groups from the Bungie forums. Some of those can be a nightmare. I have plenty of experience in both raids and I welcome first timers. All I ask is that you have a working mic. It makes things much easier. Add me and lets start raiding.
New to the clan. Feel free to add me on PS4 @ Mr_Vapas. Don't mind helping people, just ask!
Add me on xbox one GT:huskers222 I'm down to do anything!
Add me, still learning the game, level 24 Titan. Rhy_
Add up Gt: lolwutkthx always down to do anything raids/crucible etc
Edited by Laid_Back_B: 1/29/2015 3:54:23 AMEveryone add me. Never completed any of the raids, looking for a group PS4
I'm always down to help anyone with bounties, weekly strike or nightfall. I got a 30 Titan, 28 Hunter, 31 Warlock I play on Xbox One feel free to add me GT: UrSoRatchet
Hey guys, I'm a new member to the group, I'm a level 31 Titan with all weapons fully upgraded. I Have done the VOG many times and have a lot of experience. I'm always available to do a raid, even if I've done the raid for the week I don't mind helping out others who haven't done it, which i have done just because i enjoy running the raids. My PSN is : Bigfatmac
New to the group my PS3 tag is gungod2111 I have a 31 Titan, 31 hunter, 25 warlock. I play at night and weekends love the raids but haven't really found a good group to constantly run with. Add me and let's have some fun
Xbox one and also a level 31 almost 32 hunter do a lot of raids on both crota and vog add me up guys GT horn on
Edited by Ripsaw: 1/19/2015 4:35:32 PMHi im dddgvf8 (weird id, I know) have a level 28 warlock and I play most weekends. I like to do raids and crucible. add me if you want to play sometime. ill reply when I can. btw I am a newbie in raids
Xb1. Gammertag is sessa196. Please send message telling me youre from here. Im a lvl 28 warlock with a lot of free time. I do a bit of everything but mainly crucible strikes or raids. But im down for anything
My psn is OfficialAnchovy
Hmm Add meh Xb1 Gt is same as my name here Got a Lvl 31 'lock, Lvl 30 hunter and a Lvl 14 Titan I'm working on so I'm down for whateverrr
My PSN is the same as here btw I will add anyone who doesn't add me, you cannot escape the popz!!
I'm here for whatever. Only 25 Titan but never a quitter. Coolbreezemck
Same ID as psn here :) feel free to add pleaseeee lets killl emm :))
Psn LSDesire. I'm sort of a noob to the higher levels but I'm picking up fast lol
Im down for anything im on ps4 my psn is the same as my gt so add me
PS4 lvl 30 hunter add Rookevi
deewilson007 ps4 lvl 30 hunter will be online shortly for any raids, strike etc...
My psn is bigsbywolf I'm lvl 24 hunter and looking to do raids or pvp add me
Hey guys, PSN is josh_taylorr feel free to add me! Level 25 sunsinger, mostly doing vanguard and raids, feel free to add me:) happy to help newer players on story mode
Hello guys! just started playing destiny psn tag is MrJafaar feel free to add!
Hey peeps, new member. Playing on X1 gamertag is same as name on here, looking forward to playing some games together. Cheers!
Heyo Guys I'm a new member, feel free to add me on psn Daijoz. I am a lvl 29 hunter and able and willing to do the raid hard or not and usually able to help fellow clan mates. I am a reasonably active person. I play on ps4.