[url=http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2015/01/14/after-satanists-planned-to-give-away-coloring-books-florida-school-board-halts-religious-distributions-entirely/]-School board tells churches they can donate bibles for students to take if they want.
-Skirts legality issues by technically allowing anyone to donate books.
-Heavily censors the books the atheists want to donate.
-Atheists take it to court
-School board agrees to let anyone donate books to get lawsuit dropped
-Doesn't tell atheists.
-Satanists see that the school agreed to let anyone donate books.
-Satanists donate satanic coloring books.
-School board stops taking any books from religious denominations.[/url]
Hey man. Satanists have a right to their beliefs to ya know and should be able to provide literature on it as well. Their human beings with emotions and they aren't any less valid so they should get the same rights as others