When hard mode comes out for corta's end everyone will be looking for warlocks. Ya u could have a titan but they are useless, and half useless if they have the helmet that makes the enemies blind in the bubble.
Edit 1: there is no need to mention hunter (especially in a raid argument)! They are more useless then titans!
I couldn't agree more on Hunters, I have 2 Locks and a Titan, but the edit is sorta wrong. On the lamp phase of the raid, a Hunter set up just right, can Solo that part. We did it the other day, sent the hunter out, then went out in fire teams of 2 after he was at the third lamp. He had the bridge buit and was waiting in the hallway for everyone else to show. Not defending them, but they have their uses just like all classes, Titans with their bubble of love (weapons of light) and Locks with their Jesus move (self-res) and now Hunters with the Klingon state (invisable). And if I misspelled anything, it was an honest mistake.