Played nightfall, finished and got my reward. Look to the corner to see in yellow text "Obsidian Mind". Which is of course followed by me saying "Dang, I already have this." This tends to happen When you have %70+ of all exotic items in the game.
Anyone else have a bad case of this.. lol
I still get the odd item I don't have: got Dragon's Breath from Deathsinger on Tuesday night and Ice Breaker from the first chest in Crota's End the Tuesday before that. There's not much left that I actually need/want though. Hard Light or Red Death would be ok, but I'm not fussed if I get them or not. Helm of Saint 14 would be decent to get I guess.
Yeah 4 midas, 5 universal remotes, and three dragons breaths.
I see it as free shards. I also farm shards from buying exotic engrams with motes.
Edited by Weekerr12: 1/15/2015 8:37:32 PMYup, only need 1 more exotic gun.
I have every exotic weapon. Only armour I need is obsidian mind. I only want legendaries from the nightfall now.
Yep. Strange coins be wasting away cause Xur doesn't have anything I want, poor guy. Good thing he has the Kinderguardians to pay him so he can get fed
Got last word from death singer, already had it. Got universal remote from crucible, already dismantled four of them. Got truth from VoG chest, already had it. Last unique exotic I got was ghorn from aetheon two months ago. Multiple repeats since then. I don't need the shards anymore.
Keep getting the same stuff from Crotas end ... I just want the helmet
I've been getting a lot of suros latly. I don't even like the gun
Happened to my yesterday. Partied with two of my friends with my warlock and looked at the reward text on screen and seen glasshouse and light beyond nemesis. At first I was like "Sweet new helment for my titan" but then I looked once again and seen that it was for my friend and the LBN was for me. Ironically I was wearing the maxed v2.0 LBN the entire time and I get a crappier one as a reward lol.
Not quite there yet but getting there. I could have more but only buy things from Xur I REALLY want at this point. I've had two chances to get Truth but never got it and still don't own one but would be happy if I win one from RNG. Didn't buy No Land Beyond either. I figure this way if I get something via Nightfall it will still feel rewarding.
Edited by Racer X SS9: 1/15/2015 6:47:34 PMHaha! The downside of of having almost every exotic in the game
The feels. I have every single exotic minus one armor and one secondary. (4th horseman and radiant dance machines). And they are 2.0. I feel I may have reached maximum playability until house of wolves
Lol I would be happy to get doublet exotics but sadly I keep getting hardlight, long story short I have 11 exotic shards, all the extra hardlights I broke down is 8 of those shards
I got another suros and another star fire protocol so yes but I got an exotic shard at least lol
Yup. I got suros 2x out of my 3 nightfalls. That makes 5x suros.
Yep, got 3 mida multi tool 3 vex 3 black hammer 3 fate bringer I just wouldn't mind another gjallarhorn or ice breaker
Edited by almightysundaas: 1/14/2015 11:27:31 PMYup...even people that have the exotics they want probably feel like that. Kind of blows...I liked it better when I didn't have icebreaker or gjallarhorn.
I wish I had Obsidian MInd
There's a couple of things I'm looking for, but yes, for the most part, non of what I receive is needed or wanted. Resorted to things like grimoire cards, ghosts, crucible grimoire, etc. just finished up rank 3 pulse rifles grimoire. Have a coupe of hundred kills left w shot gun to rank 3. Need a couple of trophies.
On the bright side it could have higher stats. If not then it's a free shard.
Crota gave me No Land Beyond and Swordbreaker last night. I already have both, in fact that was my fifth Swordbreaker.
Yesh sir I do! I got as of today 3 level 32, all exotics I want except the goddamn son of a bitch Hawkmoon... There really is no reason to play this game except onTuesdays. I still run the raids for fun but that takes an hour at most per raid. I don't really mind since there are a lot other good games out there, but im saying that bungie should keep it fresh! With hugs and kisses yours truly: Lord of breakfast.