Got the game since day one = Got no way to play without network issues since day one.
I have to play alone so i don't lose connetion to destiny server.
rare times i can play random assult without problem.
but since day one, i cannot play half of the game i pay for.
NO Vault of Glass
i did all what i could to fix the network, and i did exactly what bungie and xbox told me to do.
So, why i still cannot play most of this game?
I got no problem with every other game i got, so why destiny server keep deconnect me?
I can't play, i paid the game like everybody else and i demand a solution to this problem.
I got a TP-Link router
port forwarding all the ports the game require.
ADSL, cabled connetion and no package lost.
Bungie, please, give me a way to play this game.
Thank you.
Hi Red, Can I have you disable port forwarding and enable UPNP? Port forwarding is not recommended in most cases and can introduce different connectivity issues.