Why oh why do people always get greedy and go after the 3rd zone when you already have 2 and are comfortably in the lead? It makes zero sense. All you are doing is spreading your team thinner, wasting resources that could be better spent defending, and giving the enemy free kills by rushing into their spawn.
Almost without exception, every map has 2 zones which are the best to hold. They are closer togther, have better routes between the two, have less exits to defend or whatever. Your objective as a team should be to get these two zones and then stay there, defending them from enemy attacks. The enemy WILL come at you, because they know that they will need one of the zones if they want to win, so there is no need to go out there looking for them.
I've seen many games where a team several thousand points ahead ends up losing because they pushed for zone A on Blind Watch or whatever, spawns switched, and they end up on the back foot with the worse zone under their control. Please people, don't be that guy.
BUMP thanks! i will focus on this (slow learner here hehe) yes i wanted to control ALL .
Edited by Heliax Prime: 1/14/2015 7:06:31 PMThat's a losers attitude. I'm a Mother-Fûçkïng GUARDIAN and I always go for it ALL. Besides, while striving for all three cap zones makes you thinner, bunching up at one or two zones makes it much likelier that it will take only ONE enemy to come in and super the whole God damn team. Which for multi kills and super uses exponentially increases the score which would cause you to fall further behind. And that was only one person on the enemy team. Go to you tube and watch "6 guys, 1 fisting." The only way I WOULDNT go for the third zone was if I thought the game was too close
If your looking for games solo I agree. If you're in a good pre-made team however, it is much more fun to move together and cap zones over and over. Because you each get points for the zone, 6x75 is 450 points you can get for literally standing still for 5 seconds... when the other team prolly has one guy taking zones by himself...75 points for him being there 30 seconds... If solo I agree 100% though, don't be that guy that charges to the other side and makes the other team spawn behind your team. It's just rude.
Wrong. The objective of control is to get more points than your opponents. Kills give points. Kills with modifiers give more points than a basic kill. Modifiers include number of points controlled, proximity of kill to a control point, use of heavy weapon, multiple kills, etc... Yes, two zone kills give more points than single zone kills. Making it more efficient and easier to win. But single zone kills still give points. So... a team with only one point but with significantly more kills can still win. If team a defends one zone and team b walks into a controlled death trap repeatedly and dies repeatedly, team a wins based on kills and defensive modifier bonuses.
If your good enough you could cap the 3 rd and ruin the other team
This is a problem in all games with a Control type mode. CoD, BF, Titanfall, etc.
I KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO HAVE SH1T TEAM MATES Gamer tag: Patpuc Xbox one Kd 1.56 Best kill streak: 24 Australian time zone Add me I'm sick of terrible team mates
I'll tell you what someone told me many months ago... A is like your sister walking around naked, yes its a female but nobody wants to effing look!
Because it's more fun to rush in and die than camp at zones
You understand that you get 300+ points a kill when you have three points capd. It's not the most sustainable tactic, but you can put up ridiculous points in a short time.
In truth, if the opposing team is terrible, and your team is awesome, you can take and hold all three zones for most of the match. Otherwise your advice is solid.
I hate when you have 2 zones and some scrub decides to try and capture the 3rd for no reason !! Doesn't matter what game either !
2 is plenty to win as long as you're team isn't terrible. If you have some guys that are great at killing, even 1 will do.
This happened to me this morning. We were up by 3k on fire base... A couple on our team decided they wanted zone c in addition to a and b. Well once that happened we lost a and then eventually b. Lost the game by 2k.
People focus to much on capturing zones. The points come from kills, the more zones the more points you get per kill. Why get killed over a third zone when you can get easy kills defending the two you got.
No the object is to win at all costs, capping zones just helps but it's kills that give u most points
Normally C and B are the best. Can't think of a map where this isn't true.
Cause people are stupid
Totally agree. Can't stand teams that constantly want to rush around capping,closing, then recapping points. It's just a point grab to be honest. I like matches where teams are positioned on ends of the maps trading the center flag back and forth.
I only go for 3 when we're just rolling over the other team. Otherwise I find the two closest points, even if my team didn't start at either, and defend those.
People don't get this I also can't stand a and c captures b is usually always the swing point