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1/14/2015 12:03:56 PM
I don't understand everyone's reaction to the dlc content being on the original disc. They have a business model and everything is planned out in advance. The new leaked timeline shows what will come out over the next few years. They sold you a game with the hopes you would continue to purchase new content. They dlc content is a planned product along with House of Wolves and eventually Destiny 2. They sold us a game for $60 that has given many of us hours and days of entertainment. They don't owe you anything more. Break down how much per hour you paid and it's penny's. It's not UNICEF, it a business.

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  • Well said. The contract laid out the release pattern, too, which was divulged before the game was even close to ready. You hit on the major point, too. There is not nearly as much profit in them getting someone to just "buy a game", it is about "buying the franchise". Regardless of what people think of Activision's business practices, they are well aware of the fact that they have work to do to get people to buy into the long-term viability of the franchise. They are not going to set out to alienate a userbase, and the fact that they did - on some level, to some people - means that they will take steps to address it. Does Activision care about maximizing profits? Of course they do. Any for-profit business that does not care about that is in need of a wholesale change in leadership. But, the way to maximize those profits is going to come from satisfying users, which will mean that they will need to evaluate the current situation and make changes - which they certainly are doing. People think that change is an overnight process - and with a project this large, that is not true, on any level.

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  • Yeah it's a fun game :)

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