The title says it all (maximum of 3 words or letters)
7 hundo replies, about 85% of you hate blade dancers.
1000 replies later... [spoiler]you hate blade dancers[/spoiler]
Also leave in your comments on a scale to 1/10 *(1 to 10) on how good you think blade dancers are in crusable!
Dancing Fairy Princess
Meet my invective
In nightfalls, useless.
*slice, slice, slice* You've been flayed.
Stop getting mad
Easy kill
Plays with knives.
I hate them
Laughably easy kill
Spamin' that slash
Eat Pocket Infinity.
Bad Ass Muffukkas
Buckshot to face
meet golden gun
Guardian to kill
"Watch out for--"
Cancer of Crucible.
fist of havoc
Meet my thorn or run like hell!!!
bladedancer: dancing with blade
Not a problem
Allllllmost had him.
Is that a?.....