Note, when I ask this, I don't mean to question what your beliefs are about what comes after. My question to you, is how do you view the subject of death? What are your feelings toward it? Are you fearful? Does being around it discomfort you? Have you fully accepted your own mortality? Or do you shy away from the subject or dislike thinking about it?
For many people, facing death or even contemplating the inevitability that their life must end at some point, is a terrifying experience. This can be for many reasons, whether it be a fear of not knowing what may come next, or being too strongly attached to this world that, for the most part, is the only world we truly know. I want to know how many of you have spent your own fair share of time contemplating this subject, and what results that contemplation has yielded to you.
(I'm also whittling away the time until midnight, and figured this might make for an interesting discussion in the meantime.)
[i]Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise. [/i]
Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the force. Mourn them do not, miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed that is.
Just respawn at your last bonfire and cry that you can't recover.
Like the beginning of a REALLY long nap.
It used to scare me to the lint where I would stay up thinking about it. I've come to terms with it now, to an extent, but it still scares me.
Your body, is nothing but Energy. Once you die, you shutoff into blackness. Like a computer.
Only reason we are terrified of death is due to our natural survival instinct. Without that instinct, none of us would even care.
I'm not afraid because Jesus will take me home
Energy is neither created nor destroyed. I hope to someday become a star A literal -blam!-ing pulsar!
I'm not afraid of death, it'll happen one way or the other. I have faith of what will happen to me. I fear losing others, or rather the fear that once they are gone I'll be alone. As selfish as that sounds. But really if the world ended tomorrow, I wouldn't be all that upset, I'm not necessarily ready to die, I still have things I would like to experience, but if it happened, then so be it.
I'm a veteran and my mother died of cancer. I've been around mortality more than I care to have been. I've come to terms with my own mortality, but I'm still afraid of the idea of my loved ones dieing. I'm also very afraid of chemotherapy our treatment for cancer is almost as bad as the disease.
It's come across my mind a few times, that we all die and there's no avoiding it. It's kind of scary to think about it. I am scared of death, but I think I'm a little more scared about what comes after.
After all... Death is an occupational hazard.
A sweet nap. No, you know what. The sweetest nap. Naps are nice
I'm beyond worried about saying this seeing as how I'm 16, but as long as it's painless, I'd gladly welcome it at any given moment. I'm not emo, depressed, or anything of that sort. I've just come to terms with the fact that it's [i]going[/i] to happen, so I'm ready for it.
It's the one thing no one can stop, this is the only life I have so I plan to live it to the fullest!
I think that death is like sleeping, but no dreams. Im not afraid. We all die and we wont feel a thing. Only the people around us.
"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home." -Chief Tecumseh .... ... .. . -Prince of Wolves [spoiler]"I knew a man once who said, 'Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back." -Maximus Decimus Meridius[/spoiler]
Meh it happens to everyone.
I fear it yet accept it if i die then i cant cheat death but thats why im gratfull for everyday that im alive
Through my eyes
Well sit down I have a stor- *opens mouth to say the last word than hears a hard stomp almost deafening. I jump up in shock and look into the space that I heard the noise came from. I stop in utter terror and hear a single phrase "have you see me music box" the accent was perfect thick heavy Scottish. I think to myself I only know one foul creature that makes that noise. That sound comes from the legend and his name is Walrus Walgreens. As I think the last word in my mind the door splits in half as fog slowly creeps in like Ebola. Than a large ginger man on all four legs creeps in sniffing at an impressive rate almost inhuman like. My eyes adjust to him and gaze upon his masculine body. He is completely naked and peeing at an incredible rate like he's pushing really hard and about to pop a vessel or nipple. His pupic hair is straightened as it looks like by a curling iron. Or whatever it's called. Then his hair is a straight line down the middle of his scalp all the down to his rectum and all the way back up to his mouth. Perfect symmetry I think to admire his perfect work. Then terror reaches to me, as he slowly bear crawls to me and says " I can't seem to find it no matter what I do" his accent is splendid. He starts to release liquid poop almost with no hesitation I can't believe this, wow this man is so talented and so cool. He reaches inches from by face. He's on just two legs now, impressive I think to my self. He's peeing on me now it's hot to the touch but now it's cooling over time. His amazing poop is now creeping up to my shoes and is smells like freshly cut grass. I like the smell he has a cool diet. But it's been like 10min and he's still going strong but now he's whisper very delicately. "I give you to the count of five to find me music box" I smile because I really want to hear this man ls music. It's probably prince or the Cory in the house theme song or something. So I say ok and in and instant the Scottish miracle leaps on to my wall as his constant shitting and peeing intensifies to rates I never seen before on this planet. So he counts down fast and I run around sloshing in his chunky liquid grass with corn the corn is oddly blue I want to ponder this more but I need to find his box of uptown funk. He stops counting and says "I warned yea laddie" I said to this perfect beast "warned me of what?" He leaps so fast and I sits on my face. His butt is sweating like a mother and his cheeks are round as if it he has belt sanded his own cheeks for this arrival. I am being drowned by freshly cut liquid grass corn and his rectums hairs are tightening around my neck and he is laughing and pushing harder as the liquids are forced down my throat. All I hear is "oops spaget cigarette juice" then I get swallowed into darkness and my last thoughts are "I wouldn't have wanted it any better." [spoiler]I will never forgetti[/spoiler]
I'm banking on the assumption that gene therapy will let me live forever. Death can -blam!- off; I like living.
Natural end to life no matter how or when it happens Found my 27yr old son dead in his bed 3 years ago. His life was short but he won't be forgotten. All you leave are memories,make sure they are good ones.
Best sleep ever