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11/17/2014 12:25:11 AM

Vex Mythoclast (Loot System Unfair)

So, How many people have done the raid on hard now? Well loads of us. how many of us have done the raid over 18 times not many people! This is because some "People" get what they want from the raid and don't see the point in playing anymore. Some people don't get what they want and quit the game, and then there is people who play the raid on 3 characters every week to try and get what they want, and no they don't get what they want, because the loot system is BROKEN. The loot system should reward the skilful or the continuos players but no, it rewards the people who get carried or join at a last minute checkpoint. BUNIGE, I have done the hard raid 19 times now on hard to get a Vex Mythoclast! And do I ever get it .... NO! It gives it to the level 28 hunter! Or the 29 Titan. All I ask is you add a fixed point in time to get the items you need! For example: ONCE YOU HAVE DONE THE HARD RAID 10 times the Vex Mythoclast drop rate increases for you, or you get the item you need when you do 18 raids! I believe many people would appeal more to this than the current loot system! Do you agree?

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  • If they handed out the loot to people according to the playtime in the raid that would just rewarding for quantity of time and not for quality of player. You could basiclly just stand AFK and get what you want. Sure, you can technically still do that, but if they were to reward you according to your playtime then just by farming time you'll increase your loot chance, is that really fair? Then you might think a person should be rewarded by there skill in the raid? But how do you determine who have done the best job in the raid? by kills? by death? or what? You'll get alot less kills if you hold the relic then people wouldn't want to hold the relic as that would decress the chance for loot. Should you then award it for time holding the relic? That would just decress the chance for loot for everyone else. Is that fair? Maybe reward the person for killing oracles? But what if a person doesn't get teleported and end up with zero kills for oracles, that personen would then have the lowest chance to get loot, but he is just as important because its he/she who has the job to open the portal for the people killing oracles/holding the relic. In a raid you ARE A TEAM, no one is the bettre person, some might have a heavier role but everyone is still needed. RNG might feel like a f-ing b**ch, but it doesnt try to say who is the best/worst and then give you loot according to what the game thinks is the best player. Its just random its just as fair as its feels unfair. It has the potential to give everyone a equal chance of getting loot and it also has the potential to give everyone a Mythclaster as it have the potential to give no one.

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