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1/10/2015 11:42:15 PM

Useless Updates

OK, so another update passed, and another useless patch. What exactly ARE you patching? Considering the forums are inundated with complaint and concern for the actual things that NEED to be patched, its apparent its not those, of course. Yes, some raid patches. That was appreciated, I'm sure. These forums ger flooded with a myriad of complaints, yet people still play. Is this why the vocalizations of your community are of no concern? I must admit, I have no MAJOR gripe with Destiny. Aside from still not receiving my EV-30 or the "grinding just to grind" BS, I like Destiny. I like many, would like to see the inconsistencies addressed and the actual problems fixed. Stop making anti cheese patches because there will ALWAYS be cheese. You want to slow down players on a fast track to level cap then add ACTUAL depth in regards to content gear etc. Not fiddle with RNG or parameters of gains; mind you only discouraging not encouraging more play. Alot of your concerns you only multiplied by adding or taking away factors dependent on dynamic of gameplay in question. Why not JUST LISTEN TO YOUR COMMUNITY, instead of doing what you think is best for the longevity of Destiny? Here's an idea: You want Destiny to be a top notch MMORPG shooter? Take note of games like runescape WoW And countless other toptier mmo's. And make it your own. Whether Activisions or your fault, it's still your fault when a game is touted and hypetrained as one thing and turns out to be a polar other. QA is paramount.

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