Anytime i try to play with other players in a strike team, enter the tower, or play crucible my screen flashes "Attention, contacting destiny servers" until it boots me. playing alone i'm usually ok.
each time is a different error code, like weasel, bee, fly, baboon, and an verity of other codes.
hardwired to my linksys router which is wired to my surf board cable modem.
DMZ is set up for my ps4 which cleared up a few error codes.
My thoughts:
My brother and cousin both play on a ps4 and have never had any issues, the only thing i've found that differs between us is that my ISP is time warner cable, and they are using windstream which runs through the phone line.
My brother specifically is using wifi which is considered worse yet he has no problems ever.
side notes:
running a connection test through the playstation shows my nat type as NAT type 2, however when playing advanced warfare it shows my connection as OPEN.
Okey, so i started destiny with a wired connection because its suppose to be the most reliable, but after constant disconnections and setting up dmz, port forwarding, calling isp, etc etc nothing seems to work. So, for shits and giggles i flipped over to wifi and BAM, no more error codes, no more anything, runs perfectly!
So, if you haven't tried wifi, do it! it could help. ( Note, i still have DMZ turned on for my ps4 so it combined with wifi is what worked.)
Bungie, please bump this as a possible solution for some errors. I'll supply any technical information needed.
ALSO, i'm using port triggering not port forwarding, here is a image of my setup on a linksys router:
Those are PS4 ports for psn, if you use an xbox it is these ports:
Port 88 (UDP)
Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
Port 80 (TCP)
Port 500 (UDP)
Port 3544 (UDP)
Port 4500 (UDP)
Just keep trying stuff until it works!
Yeah I'm on WiFi and I have constant disconnection issues. What does dmz mean? Maybe that is the problem.