I looked up the forum's and only seen two topics related to this which was back in September. I'm hoping Destiny will add in volume adjustment for the game because since the games launch, I barely hear my friends talk. I have the Astro A50 and even at maximum chat volume, it still doesn't help me. I did lose a lot of hearing while I was in the Army and that is a factor but I was still able to hear my friends talk on other games. I'm hoping Destiny can put some urgency in this because its a social game and that reason alone makes chatting issues a priority.
Yes please add volume controls... It honestly blows my mind that there aren't any.
Seriously. How about being able to play without freaking music? Volume controls were standard 20 years ago. Volume controls are a joke to code - literally 2 man-hours of work.
We need volume control, impossible to talk to teammates if you use headphones for game sound.